viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

One more angel!

This is a new angel. I have tatted it with silk thread, silver color with cristal beads. The pattern by  Ros-Marié Andersson. I'm continue with my other tatting project.

In my little garden this beautiful, cold, autum night, here two of my angels, waiting to be hangning on my Christmas tree.


4 comentarios:

  1. Where do you find the upper body for the angel? Lovely work!

  2. Gina In the last tatting meeting here in south of Sweden I bought it! The cristal body for the angel. I don't know were you can found it. Sorry but in the next meeting I can ask about it if you will.

  3. Que trabajo maravilloso!!! Nunca lo realicé ni lo he visto hacer.
    Por lo que veo si tienes blog, así que yo también te sigo.


Thanks for your comments! Welcome back! Grazie per il vostro commento! Gracias por tu comentario!