domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

A new motif/

This Spring I'm complety dedicated to tatted flowers. Spring it's my inspiration. I found this motiv when I googles tatting webpages, this motiv was only a picture without any explanation or who was the owner of the pattern. I have tatting this beautiful flower after the picture. Many cluny leavs has this motiv and I have tatted with cotton thread nr. 10 and nr. 10 with 4 diferents colors.
This motiv has many clunies and I like to tatting clunies.

Thanks to Ninetta i got the information about this beautiful flowers who is the owner of it. You can see this flower on here.

4 comentarios:

  1. That is VERY pretty! I also love clunies and wish mine looked as good as yours!
    Fox : )

  2. Hi Isa, I'm Ninetta. Bravo! Your works are as usual very well done! Let me say that you can found a lot of beautiful flowers at
    as the one you made. I'm happy to have joined the "25 motif challenge", so I got to know you!

  3. What a wonderful job you do in tatting clunies! It is obvious you enjoy tatting them.


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